Where do you need an energetic shift ? Is it with work, money, relationships or your health? Or maybe you’re not sure. Often, we simply feel stuck, sad, frustrated, angry or depressed and we really don’t know why. Well, I can help with an energetic healing session. We chat for a while so you can share what you’d like to shift. I call in my guides and intuitively scan your energy to find the blocks that have you stuck. I help you release those energetic blocks and then share with you any messages that I receive from my guides or yours. And, of course, you can ask as many questions as you like. Finally, I give you action steps to help integrate the information or to help you open up to receive more abundance into your life. If you’re ready to be nurtured energetically AND receive some fabulous guidance, don’t miss this wonderful healing opportunity. ~ Mini Oracle Card Reading Included~ Please Contact: 0860503701 to book your appointment.